
Here’s a list of our affiliates be sure check them out.

Toonami: Digital Arsenal is home to an archive of Toonami promos, intros, game reviews , music videos, and other media past, present, and future.



Video games, anime ,music, and more.


Be sure to check out our friends at Surreal Resolution! (You may remember them as Toonami United). Surreal Resolution is a multimedia website that will focus on video games, animation, film, and music, you can also check out “The Training Stage” podcast there. Expect a lot’s great things from them such as reviews, opinion pieces and discussions.


TWITTER: @SurrealReso

Cinema Circle, the place where all things Cinema and Entertainment are reviewed and discussed.
Cinema Circle is hosted by our own Eric Casey (@Erockstar5).


TWITTER: @Erockstar5

Silver Absolution who is also one of our staff members has two YouTube channels of his own, there you’ll find the latest Toonami content as well as AMVS some of which have been featured here at Toonami Squad


TWITTER: @SilverAbsolutII

“Home to your weekly Toonami trending rundowns.”

Anime Savior is the writer for the weekly Toonami Trending Rundown which he has allowed us to publish here .


TWITTER: @AnimeSavior

“Your source for [adult swim] related news and opinions.”

Adult Swim fansite dedicated to discussing all things [as], as well as keeping you up to date on the latest Adult Swim news.

(Note: Toonami Squad and Swim Squad are two separate entities neither is own or operated by the other.)


TWITTER: @SquadSwim

This page is for the discussion of everything Toonami-related. Invite all your friends!

The Toonami Community Page is a community page on Google Plus managed by Toonami Squad, this page is for the discussion of everything Toonami-Related.


Disclaimer: With the exception of the “Toonami Community Page” none of the sites listed here are owned or operated by Toonami Squad in anyway nor is Toonami Squad owned or operated by any of the sites listed here in anyway.