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With the fifth season of My Hero Academia well underway in Japan and simulcasting on FunimationNow and Crunchyroll, Toonami fans have wondered when they will be joining in on the action. Today, Toonami and Funimation have officially revealed that Deku and the students of Class 1-A will rejoin the lineup for Season 5 beginning May 8 at 12:30 a.m. Eastern/Pacific.
My Hero Academia will replace Attack on Titan on the lineup, as the latter will be going on a mid-season break after Episode 75 (Ep. 16 of Season 4). That episode is scheduled to air on Toonami the week prior on May 1. In the meantime, Toonami will broadcast an encore run of Attack on Titan Season 4 beginning on May 8 at 4:00 a.m. It will replace Demon Slayer on the lineup, which will complete its respective encore run the week before.
In regards to Attack on Titan, following the Japanese broadcast and simulcast of Episode 75, Studio Mappa has announced that a second cour of Attack on Titan Final Season is in production. The season will resume with Episode 76 in Japan this winter. Neither Funimation nor Toonami have revealed their plans regarding the dub of the 2nd half at this time.
アニメ「進撃の巨人」公式アカウント on Twitter: “TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season第76話「断罪」NHK総合にて今冬放送予定! / Twitter”
TVアニメ「進撃の巨人」The Final Season第76話「断罪」NHK総合にて今冬放送予定!
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