Toonami Trending Guide

Last Updated on by Joshua Mathieu (Jmb a.k.a. The Boss)

Toonami Trending Guide

The reason I made this guide is so everyone will have a better understanding of why we try to trend shows every Saturday night during Toonami.

First of all, the reason we trend shows is to show the popularity and interest of the show which is counted toward ratings.

pF3q6B04When trending, you use a hashtag in your tweet (Ex: #ShowName is on Toonami!) We only hashtag and trend the show name because that is what actually counts. In order for a show to trend, we all must use the same hashtag when tweeting. Using different hashtags and/or multiple hashtags on a single tweet limits the ability of getting a show to trend. When everyone uses different versions of the hashtags, we are essentially fighting between ourselves trying to get the shows trending.

Rules for Trending:


1. Don’t over tag your tweets, only one hashtag per tweet. Using more than one hashtag makes a tweet spam and won’t help with trending. Don’t use the same hashtag multiple times in the same tweet as it will also be counted as spam.

Correct 1Incorrect:
Incorrect 1Incorrect:
Incorrect 22. Your tweet must be relevant to your hashtag. In other words, don’t tweet anything off topic with the hashtag or it will not be counted. Also hashtags cannot be tweeted by themselves or they will not be counted as well.

Correct 2Incorrect:
Incorrect 33. Do not repeatedly tweet the same tweet over and over as it will also be consider spam. Also repeatedly tweeting the same tweet over and over may result in your account being temporally restricted also known as “Twitter Jail”.

Incorrect 4-24. Your account must be public, if it is private your tweets will not count toward trending. You can change your account back to private after Toonami is over if you wish to do so.

5. Retweeting does not count toward trending unless you quote the tweet.

Qoute EXNOTE: The only other time we trend something OTHER than a #ShowName is when the TOONAMI crew requests us to.

Submitting Trends:

When submitting screens captures to @AnimeSavior for the Toonami Trending Rundown, you must make sure your trends list are set to either United States or Worldwide. Tailored trends only count for tweet counts, nothing else. So please make sure you trends list are set properly. Also for TweetDeck and other apps that show more than 10 trends, only trends in the top 25 will be accepted for the Toonami Trending Rundown at this time.


Here is the trending schedule. Remember, only use the hashtag for shows and no hashtag for Toonami.

So when should you start tweeting? When Toonami starts on the East Coast. Here’s when you should start tweeting in your time zone in the United States:

Eastern: 11:30pm
Central: 10:30 PM
Mountain: 9:30 PM
Pacific: 8:30 PM

Note: These are examples of how to use the show and Toonami in the same sentence on Twitter. Only use Toonami as a word and not a hashtag.

11:30 PM: #DBZKai is on Toonami

12:00 AM: #OnePunchMan is on Toonami

12:30 AM: #GundamIBO is on Toonami

1:00 AM: #HunterXHunter is on Toonami

1:30 AM: #Shippuden is on Toonami

2:00 AM: #OnePiece is on Toonami

2:30 AM: #Parasyte is on Toonami

This about covers everything there is to know about trending. Please read and share the trending schedule and guide with your friends! If you have any questions, be sure to comment below or tweet me @JMB_70056 or @ToonamiSquad on twitter you can also shoot us an email at

This guide is to help trend shows during Toonami. It is your choice whether or not to use it.

Special thanks to @AnimeSavior, Femble, and Silver for their feedback in helping make this trending guide.